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  • I've never played Pickleball, how do I learn?
    There are lots of online resources. Here are some to get you started: The city of Lake Oswego runs all sorts of Pickleball classes. Check them out here: There is also an indoor complex in Clackamas called RECs that offers introductory classes. More info here: And if you're interested in private instruction, there are several folks in the area who offer lessons:
  • The pickleball courts at George Rogers Parks seem to be reserved much of the day. Are there times when anyone can play?
    Between Lake Oswego Parks & Rec (LOPR) and the Lake Oswego Pickleball Club (LOPC), a big chunk of court time during the week is reserved. If you are interested in joining events hosted by LOPR, start here: The times reserved for LOPC are listed here: If you are interested in joining LOPC, more info is here: Between LOPC and LOPR most mornings (until 1:00p) are reserved. All of the free play is in the afternoons during the week. To avoid overcrowding during free play, the city of Lake Oswego does ask that you sign up using Playtime Scheduler. You can sign up or check availability here:
  • I’ve heard about noise complaints at the courts. Is the sound study available?
    The sound study is part of the July 5 Lake Oswego City Council meeting agenda packet here: The report starts on page 130
  • How do I sign up to play during LOPC reserved time at George Rogers Park?
    The pickleball courts at George Rogers Park are reserved for LOPC members during the hours shown here: If you would like to join LOPC, more info here: LOPC members can sign up to play during LOPC reserved hours using the Live Pickleball website. When you log in to Live Pickleball (, choose the Lake Oswego Pickleball Club. This will take you to your club home page. In the My Schedule section you will see all the events to which you are invited. Find the event you want to attend and click it. When you see the invitation, click the Green Yes paddle to indicate you would like to play. If there is enough room you will be added to the Confirmed Players list. Otherwise, you will be added to the Waitlist. If you are put on the Waitlist, note that as people cancel for this event, you may get bumped up to play. If this happens you will receive an email notification. If you have more questions about using the Live Pickleball website, see the Live Pickleball section of this FAQ.
  • How do I join the Lake Oswego Pickleball Club?
    LOPC manages membership and schedules play using Live Pickleball. This automated system makes it easy for you to join and participate in events with the club. Click here to learn more:
  • Are there any tutorials on how to use Live Pickleball?
    Here is a video explainer designed to teach new members how to use Live Pickleball:
  • I can’t log in to Live Pickleball. What should I do?
    If you have an account and know the username but have forgotten the password, go to On the Live Pickleball login page, click Forgot Password and follow the directions to reset your password. If you have an account and forgot your username, email LOPC at and request your username. We will send you your username and you can follow the directions to reset your password above. If you don't have an account on Live Pickleball you can create one here: On the Live Pickleball login page, click Need an Account and follow the directions to create a new account.
  • How do I change my Club Rating in Live Pickleball?
    When you first set up your account in Live Pickleball, you can enter your rating. If you want to change it subsequently, contact LOPC at and let us know your new rating. As a rule (for better or worse) we allow users to set their initial rating but not change it. Your rating determines which groups you can play with. We want to manage rating changes just to make sure your group membership is correct. i.e. if you changed your rating but not the group to which you belonged, your account would get into a strange state and you wouldn't be invited to the correct events.
  • I signed up for an event in Live Pickleball but need to cancel. How do I do that?
    Invitations and signups for LOPC Play Sessions are managed through the Live Pickleball website. When you log in to Live Pickleball (, choose the Lake Oswego Pickleball Club. This will take you to your club home page. In the My Schedule section you will see all the events to which you are invited. Find the event you want to cancel and click it. When you see the invitation, click the Red No paddle to indicate you are not going to play. When you do this, the next person on the Waitlist gets bump up to play. If you are going to cancel, please do so as early as possible to give the next person on the Waitlist as much time as possible to adjust their plans.
  • I tried to cancel out of an event but Live Pickleball won’t let me. Why is that?
    Note that each event has a Close Time. This is the date/time after which signups are not allowed. This includes cancelations too. Currently the Close Time for any session is two hours before the session. If you cancel too close to the event time, this will not give the next person on the wait list enough time to respond and make their plans. We understand that things happen last minute. If something unforeseen happens that keeps you from playing and you can't cancel in time, don't worry. We just ask that you do your best to cancel when you know you can't make it.
  • I signed up for an event but am on the Waitlist. Should I come down to the courts in case people cancel?
    If you're still on the Waitlist at the time of the event, we ask that you not come down to the courts. People do cancel during the days leading up to the event, and when one person does, the next person on the Waitlist gets bumped up and they are notified that they can play. By the time the event rolls around, the people on the Confirmed Players list are expected to play (and pretty much that's what we're seeing). If all the Confirmed Players show up, the courts will be full with several people rotating in and out. That seems to make everybody happy.
  • The events I want to play in are always full? How can I sign up?
    Morning events (especially for the blue group) are very popular. Sign up early to give yourself the best chance of getting in. Events open for registration at 7:00a 14 days before the event. Sign up as close to this time as possible.
  • I see an event in the “Future Schedule” page of Live Pickleball but there is no “View” button so I can’t sign up for it. Why not?
    Not all events listed on the Future Schedule page are open for registration. Events open exactly 14 days in advance but we list events that are further out in the future than 14 days. The events that are scheduled more than 14 days ahead of time are called Draft events. Draft events will say Draft in the Status column and WILL NOT display the View button. This is correct behavior since nobody is allowed to sign up for Draft events. When an event opens, it stops being Draft and the View button is displayed. When the View button is displayed, this means you can sign up for the event.
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